Contact Information

This website was created by the Latin American Studies Department at San Diego State University. Much of the information found here was developed by Lynn Eddy-Zambrano, Co-director, the International Studies Education Project of San Diego (ISTEP).

Our hope is to provide an authetic representation of life in the Mixteca. If there is something that you feel you would like to add, edit or submit: please email


Marcos A. Cruz, 2004.

Miguel A. Bartolomé, 1999. "El pueblo de la lluvia. El grupo etnolingüistico ñuu savi (mixtecos)." Configuraciones étnicas en Oaxaca, perspectivas etnográficas para las autonomías. Vol. 1. Alicia M. Barabas/Miguel A. Bartolomé (Eds.)

Juan Julián Caballero, 2003. "Desarrollo del Tu'un Savi(Lengua Mixteca)." Escribir para dos mundos, Maria de los Angeles Romero Frizzi (Ed.) Oaxaca, Mexico: Instituto Estatal de Educación Pública en Oaxaca.